September 12-13 2018. Jurmala, Latvia

Andrei Kolesnikov, "Domains are growing with economy"


TLDCON 2015 conference opened in Yerevan

The 8th International Conference of Administrators and Registrars of national domains in CIS countries, the Central and Eastern Europe (TLDCON 2015) opened. 2015 Conference united a record number of participants – 129 delegates representing national registries and registrars from 20 countries. The Conference is organized by Coordination Center of Internet .RU/.РФ and Technical Center of Internet with ICANN's assistance, Armenian Internet Society, and Armenian Internet Management Forum.

Opening the conference, Coordination Center CEO Andrei Kolesnikov pointed out that Coordination Center of Internet .RU/.РФ holds one of the leading positions among national registries of gTLDs in the world. "Russian national .RU and .РФ domains remain one of the largest ones, though .RU has already reached a top today. But domains are growing and developing with economy, there is a direct dependence", - he told. Igor Mkrtumyan, a chairman of Armenian ISOC, touched the subject of growth delay of in world domain space in his performance emphasizing that saturation is a characteristic for the majority of traditional gTLDs in the world.

ICANN's vice-president for communications with Russia, Eastern Europe, and CIS countries Mikhail Yakushev called providing access to cheap and secure Internet to all people as the main task. He urged to involve more youth in discussion of network development questions and management of the Internet.

Technical Center of Internet CEO Alexei Platonov welcomed the participants: "Our conference is important because it gives the chance to create horizontal communications between registries. As a result, it significantly influences on the efficiency of our work".

TLDCON 2015 will last for 2 days, speakers from different countries and organizations are declared in the program, the subjects of conference cover practically all range of problems in modern domain industry – from new gTLDs to information security.

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